Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) are among the main causes of morbidity and mortality, being a global health problem, and consequently, the increase in related costs, both for the patient and for public health institutions or private. The control of IACS is transversal to all areas of health and requires the training of a vast team, at all levels (operational, technical and scientific). The teams are involved in the epidemiological chain of this adverse event, due to the multifactorial characteristics of HAI. A good example of this issue are the mitigation actions that were necessary to control the COVID-19 Pandemic, which required efforts in all areas of health and the various professionals involved in direct and/or indirect assistance.
In this scenario, nurses who work in health services have a fundamental role in providing technical support and promoting good practices for the prevention and control of HAIs. It is necessary to train these professionals so that they can, in addition to carrying out recommended measures, carry out the management of a quality and prevention and control program for HAIs. According to Regulation No. 674/2021, of July 20, Regulation of Increased Competence, the course promotes Differentiated Increased Competence in Nursing in Infection Prevention and Control.
February 16th 2024.
The program content has a workload of 250 contact hours in a total of 750 hours.
Mixed regime (b-Learning), face-to-face 80% and online 20%. Using a Learning Management System or LMS, the Moodle-Learning Platform will be used, and as the classes are synchronous, the Zoom video conference system will be used.
Fortnightly (Friday afternoon and Saturday all day).
Licensed in nursing or legal equivalent.
This course is taught in Portuguese.

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