In the national and international context, increased average life expectancy and the aging of the population, along with therapeutic progress and the improvement of socioeconomic conditions have introduced significant changes in both private and public life of today’s populations.

Indeed, following aging and greater prevalence of chronic diseases, the needs of the population are increasingly appealing to the intervention of nurses specialists in rehabilitation nursing.

Rehabilitation nursing is an area of specialized nursing intervention that focuses on preventing complications and incapacities and/or recovery of people victims of sudden disease or decompensation of chronic pathological processes, which provoke deficits at the neurological, orthraumatological level and/or cardiorespiratory.

Thus, targeting the person, the excellence of professional practice in the area of rehabilitation nursing brings significant health gains to the population.

In this context, the Master in Rehabilitation Nursing (Registration No. R/A – CR 80/2017 on 06/30/2017) besides allowing nurses to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge that covers them technical and scientifically for a Specialized acting in the area of rehabilitation nursing, will constitute an opportunity to scientifically highlight the contribution of nurses specializing in rehabilitation nursing in the transitions experienced by people, at all stages of their life cycle.


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Fortnightly (Friday afternoon and Saturday all day).

30 (thirty). The course will only be taught if there are a minimum of 15 (fifteen) enrolled candidates.


They may apply for the Master in Licensed and Post Licensed Rehabilitation Nursing Course, with curriculum and/or interest in the area of rehabilitation nursing.


This course is taught in Portuguese.


Bruna Gouveia