On January 30, 2024, the ClinicalModelling project successfully conducted a stakeholders’ consultation meeting, a significant milestone in the project’s development. The event, held both online and at the Santa Maria Health School, brought together stakeholders and experts to discuss the ethical, deontological, and technical aspects of the project.

The ClinicalModelling project, aimed at enhancing the capabilities of surgeons, instrument nurse specialists, and students through a telementoring and video modelling approach, has nine partners from four countries: Santa Maria Health School (project coordinator), SurgeonMare, INOVA+, Splosna Bolnisnica Novo Mesto Si, Univerza V Ljubljani, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Fundação Santa Maria, and Servizo Galego de Saude (Fundación Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela – FIDIS).

The project aims to:

  • Equip surgeons and nurses with equipment, guidance, and skills
  • Empower teachers, trainers, and tutors in using and supporting students in using smart glasses to capture, edit, and analyze video images to support learning processes in the health sector, using (self) video modelling approaches
  • Train and reinforce students’ socio-emotional skills, promoting their propensity for lifelong learning
  • Design and test new classes and case studies for master’s and specialization courses in nursing
  • Lay the groundwork for expanding the innovative teaching approach to medical residencies and nursing internships

The meeting served as an opportunity to present the project’s objectives and foster dialogue on crucial issues such as impact assessment, privacy, consent, and equity.

During the meeting, participants shared valuable insights into the ethical implications of the project. Emphasis was placed on ensuring transparency, security, and adherence to established ethical principles throughout the project’s implementation.

The Reference Book, which defines the project’s fundamental ethical principles, including respect for human dignity and justice, was a focal point of discussion. Participants underscored the importance of integrating ethical considerations into all aspects of the project to ensure its success and societal benefit.

The success of this session highlights the collaborative spirit and dedication of all involved in the ClinicalModelling project. With ethical considerations at the forefront, the project is poised to have a significant impact on surgical education and healthcare delivery.