On the fourth day of the international project GivingCare – Empowering Caregivers, the group visited the Centrum Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego, where they train caregivers who attend a course similar to our CET., with a duration of 3 semesters, the last in an internship format.
Students who finish secondary school or people who are already in the job market, who want to qualify as professional caregivers, are admitted. These technicians can administer medication, measure blood pressure and take blood samples.
At the end of the visit, a meeting was held with the director, Dorota Monki, who explained details of the course and its operation. It was agreed to conclude a protocol between Escola Superior Saúde Santa Maria, to create a communication channel that allows for closer ties between the two institutions.
Photo caption – from left to right:
Eduardo, Vanessa, José Manuel, Dorota and Iwona.