Nurses’ competences in the area of Out-of-hospital Emergency Nursing are the “development of a highly skilled nursing care management process in urgent, emergency, crisis or catastrophe situations in an out-of-hospital environment, in a context of multidisciplinary approach, in order to promote and guarantee quality, comprehensive and timely care” (Ordem dos Enfermeiros, 2018).
This Post-Graduate Course in Extra-Hospital Emergency Nursing intends to be a driving force for the development of care practice in a Pre-Hospital context, with topics ranging from Pre-hospital Nursing and Emergency Systems, Obstetric, Pediatric, Adult and Elderly Emergencies , Traumatological Emergencies, Exception Situations, Safety and Risk Management and also a curricular unit dedicated to Research in Nursing.
Certified by the Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Maria, this Post-Graduate Course awards 30 ECTS and counts on the collaboration of the Portuguese School of Rescue for a final simulation exercise, where you will be able to put into practice all the knowledge acquired. It will also have a practical component in the context of Extra-Hospital Emergency, performing a 90-hour internship in INEM means, namely VMER, SIV and CODU.
Thus, this course combines the knowledge of a specialized teaching staff with practice in a simulated and real context, with several study visits and workshops, in addition to the internship where you will belong to the rescue team.
It assumes, in this way, high relevance for the provision of nursing care to critically ill patients in their different contexts – Pre-Hospital Emergency and/or Emergency services.
in progress | Next issue: September 23, 2022
10 months | 30 ECTS
Monday: afternoon
Tuesday: afternoon
Saturday: morning and afternoon
Graduates in Nursing.
This course is taught in Portuguese.
For more informations: