The Degree in Physiotherapy lasts for 4 years, corresponding to 60 ECTS each year, in a total of 240 ECTS, with the mission to ensure scientific, technical, human and cultural training for the provision and management of general physiotherapy care to the person throughout the life cycle, to the family, groups and community, at different levels of prevention.
Reg. n.º R/A-Cr 86/2016 de 09-06-2016
Process n.º ACEF/2021/1500135.
Acreditação pela A3ES, por 6 anos, em 23-09-2022.
Labor hours
4 academic years | 8 semesters |
240 ECTS
Public and private hospital units | Private clinics | Rehabilitation Centers | Health Centers | Continuous Care Units | Sports Centers | Support institutions for the elderly | Schools and educational institutions
One of the following sets:
– 02 Biology and Geology OR
– 02 Biology and Geology & 07 Physics and Chemistry OR
– 02 Biology and Geology & 18 Portuguese
General Regime: 34
Special Regimes:
– Holders of Other Higher Education Courses: 1
– Over 23 years old: 1
– Holders of a Higher Professional Technical Course Diploma: 2
– Reentry and Change of Pair Institution/Course: 1
This course is taught in Portuguese.
a) Technical, scientific and human autonomy, based on professional practice standards, ethical and moral values;
b) High technical-scientific competence, based on critical reflection, using clinical practice based on current evidence, and constant professional development;
c) Ability to exercise a reflective clinical practice in terms of rehabilitation and health promotion, in different clinical situations and in different communities;
d) Ability to integrate the most varied health institutions, in transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams, respecting and recognizing the roles and skills of other professionals;
e) Proactive, enterprising and innovative spirit contributing to the development of physiotherapy.
Capacity for cooperation and technical and scientific exchange with national and foreign institutions;
d) Spirit of support to the community, with a view to the socio-economic and cultural promotion of the institutions and respective regions.
Throughout the cycle of studies, the student will develop specific knowledge, skills and competences, in the autonomous performance of physiotherapy of excellence, both in rehabilitation and in health promotion and disease prevention, namely:
a) Collect and analyze the results of the clinical assessment/reassessment, in order to establish the physiotherapy diagnosis and respective prognosis;
b) Knowing how to define and prioritize objectives according to clinical evaluation/reassessment and user/client expectations;
d) Develop an intervention plan, using appropriate techniques and clinical reasoning based on current evidence;
e) Knowing how to correctly, safely and efficiently use/perform all resources, techniques and therapeutic methods;
f) Accurately record and use the data resulting from clinical practice, in order to promote clinical and scientific evidence, contributing to the increase in knowledge and recognition of physiotherapy.
Through a partnership with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, students take anatomy classes at the Institute of Legal Medicine at the Hospital de São João in Porto.
In parternship with Coruña University.

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